Monday, December 7, 2009

A new beginning with a smell of spoons

Greetings one and all to this new blog on its very first day up!

Im the being known as Nicole and im one of the part bloggers which will now call this space home! (more or less)

This was the deformed manchild spawn of the idea of a group of pals who sit by a window (named Buns) during their lunchens and discuss topics of great interest and feel their political/economic/historical views should be shared with the world.

Holy Hellish Hairproducts Batman it's an intro!
Thats right folks, as the first one to post, I feel it just that I tell you who I am, what I am, and how the hell I manage to live like that.

I'm Nicole, I come from the Irish Island, and Im a game addict.
Phew, good to get it out you know? Yes Im a student along with the other members of the window club, and self-appointed sadistic ranter/fangirl expert.
I enjoy Anime and Games. I own a ps3 and a pc. Though my pc is really only used for one game, Farmsville. No. Not really. No, Ive been playing the crack that is World of Warcraft for Three years now and damn that woman never gives up. I have an 80 tauren druid named Nightxangel and a 80 shaman called Misora, with many alts and such and such.
As for my ps3 Im more into the RPGS, with my favourite being Dirge of Cerberus for the shear about of Vincent+Chaos=sexytime.

Enough about me for now, Im here mainly to record the daily events and special reports during the course of the stay in Secondary school.

Now I must leave you, its 3:25am and I havent read any good Vincrecia fanfiction today.
Toodles! x3

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